Sea Otter Classic


Sea Otter Classic April 9-12 th

Price(s) include the following:

  • Transportion
  • Race(s) registration
  • Event all access
  • Campsite with all meals included




Middle School

Freshman/ Sophomore

JV/ Varsity

Expert/ Pro



    SKU: N/A Category:

    *Simplified schedule,  timing will be set according at later date.

    WED  9 th

    • Departure from Los Gatos to Sea Otter

    THU 10 th

    • Enduro Race

    FRI 11 th

    • Rest day with local activity.

    SAT 12 th

    • Downhill Race
    • Departure from Sea Otter to Los Gatos

    Riders may use personal transport to and from location however pricing will not be discounted.  We understand that school is often a conflicting issue with competition, to better accommodate our team we try to minimize missed days. If a rider has special logistical issues please let Coach Lukas know in advance to better accommodate.


    Both, Down Hill, Enduro

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